Out to dinner with the family

Out to dinner with the family

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A Garden Poem

If you decided to try having a garden this summer, I hope you are beginning to reap the harvest.
We have enjoyed blackberries, raspberries and many herbs.

The following poem is one of my favorites from childhood. I hope it brings back fond memories for you too!


Mistress Mary, quite contrary,
How does your garden grow?
With cockleshells, and silver bells,
And pretty maids all in a row.

by Mother Goose

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Banana Split

On Sunday we had some friends and family come over to watch the World Cup Soccer Final. The game was very exciting but I think the think the part of the afternoon everyone enjoyed the most were the banana splits we served. My husband Rockin Ray came up with the idea and they were a great summer treat.

Here is the recipe:

1 banana sliced in half the long way
Put three scoops of ice cream down the center of the banana slices ( using three different flavors taste great)
Spoon three tablespoons of chocolate syrup over the ice cream
Top with whipped cream and a tablespoon of nuts

Monday, July 12, 2010

Birthday Girl

Happy Birthday Tiney!

Today is my daughter's birthday. She is in graduate school and works a full-time job.

Tiney was home over the weekend and we celebrated with friends and family.

The birthday cake just had to have pink flowers!